The RBHS Drama Club is presenting Tim Kelly's Hooray for Hollywood April 8th through the 10th. You'll get to meet Milo Bravo, owner and manager of "Milo Bravo's Workshop of Dramatic Art - And Stuff", where he serves as teacher and agent to aspiring Hollywood stars. The audience members (and some clients) will quickly learn that Milo is just a con artist running a sham business, which could get him into legal and financial hot water. Will Milo face justice? Will his aspiring students make it big? Come to the RBHS auxiliary gym to find out the answers to those questions and more. Showtime is 7:00 PM on the 8th and 9th, with a 2:00 matinee on the 10th. See you there!
RBHS Presents: Hooray for Hollywood
April 4, 2022